Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 and all I get are these Cry-Babies...

Hello, darlings.

I'm going to give this blogging thing a whirl (since I epically failed trying last time...).  2011 was full of a lot of crazy stuff for me. Lots of emotional highs and lows and major life changes. Still feeling unsure about a lot of things, and trying to find my footing, but I'm ready to kick some ass in the 2012 and conquer some new...stuff.

Hot damn, have I missed being on stage. It's been about a year since I've been in a production and I'm ITCHING to get back in the groove! I've had some fabulous opportunities over the past year with crew work and costume jobs. I even designed my first show! (WEE!) I refuse to stick to one thing and get stagnant. I love, love, LOVE theatre in all it's aspects but, when it comes down to it, I loves me some stage performance and I feel back in my element again

I just about hit the roof when I got cast in Cry Baby at New Line Theatre. My last production I performed with the company, HAIR, was one of the most life altering experiences I've had thus far in my short years. I still think about it and get teary eyed. I love those damn hippies and it's not really something you can describe to someone else. From the power of the music, to the passion of the performers and the audience members, it was WONDERFUL. From the start I felt welcomed and at home in the company. I was a wee babe at the time and I never felt condescended to or out of place. So, needless to say, I'm very happy to be working with these fabulous people again :)

Scott, our fervent director, is pumped, so naturally we are all pumped. It's a relatively young cast, which will bring an interesting dynamic to the show. Learning about the brief history of the show, it's a shame that it was poorly received- it's so much fun!!  A soundtrack wasn't even recorded, which is terribly frustrating. Scott is ready to tear this shit up. This is TOTALLY his type of show and he will dominate it. There are even some new designers in the mix, too! *Excitement squee!* Another very exciting aspect of our production is the fact that it's being performed for the FIRST time off off Broadway. There haven't been any re-dos or revivals. It's new and we get to perform something in it's beginning stages. That's incredible.

Our first rehearsal was great! Sitting near the front of the group, I was able to hear everyone mixed together and it, in a word, rocks. Ryan and Taylor, our leading duo (CB and Allison), are going to melt your faces with their awesomeness. As, always, I'm nervous. I don't want to disappoint or embarrass myself. Ever the self-critic. But, thankfully, Pepper Walker gives me a chance to belt some great, bluesy bits. I've never sung (sang?) with this genre of Rockabilly/blues type of music and I. TOTALLY. DIG. I'm trying to find her voice. The actress on the soundtrack gives her a rather raspy, ear grinding squawk. Even though I'm used to doing character voices, but I really don't click with that choice. Haha, I love being obnoxious.We shall see, you pregnant miscreant, we shall see...


P.s. Can't wait to scare the crap out my family wearing that pregnant belly on stage...nightmares galore.

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