Wednesday, January 11, 2012

That looks infected...

Friends, countrymen, and randos who come across this blog thing,

I was able to hear Ryan and Taylor, our Cry Baby and Allison, go through their lovey songs last night. They are sounding effing rad. The contrasts of their vocals styles are perfect for the characters and it's fantastic. "I'm Infected" is quickly becoming one of my favorite songs in the show. Not only is it beautifully sung, but I mean, how can you not adore a romance song that simultaneously makes you think of gross bodily diseases? That's zombie love right there. It's gross while sexy. "Now you're pulsing through each vein and you're pounding in my brain. Oh, baby, I'm infected with your love." Am I alone on this one?
The more we are able to really dig into the songs, the more I LOVE the lyrics. There is some seriously clever stuff up in here. "Sign me in your register as Baby, comma, Cry"? Friggin brilliant. There are some ensemble vocal "swells" that make my knees go weak. I feel like everyone is really enjoying the music, which helps. It sucks to sing a song you don't really like. There's, that I'm not too keen on, but I don't feel the need to share. The night is still young. Maybe it will grow on me.

People never really take teenagers seriously when it comes to their emotions. But, what the youth of America has been struggling with for years to try and make people understand, is how INTENSE it can all feel! All those hormones while at the same time looking like a genetic mutation experiment who got loose, trying to figure out who you are, where you belong, what you want your future to be's nuts. These songs directly display how desperate and deep those first pangs of love can go. Shit stings. You can't quite explain it, but it's just your "self" saying, "THAT person. Yup. That one right there. I will evaporate if they don't love me. I can seriously feel myself die as I look at them."

It can even make you cray-cray. Take it from Lenora(Terri). Our friendly, neighborhood schitzo who scratches Cry Baby's name on her arm and fakes being preggo with his baby. I think she pretty much sums up every single girl in high school at one point (and some people I know in their twenties who didn't quite get the memo to go past that stage...). Unrequited love. Oh. Damn. Does it hurt. I don't think I need to elaborate. You know what I'm talking about.

It's not just love either. It's the struggle with forces around you you can't control: upbringing, class separation, peer pressure, authority, blah, blah, blah. I won't lie, you couldn't pay me enough to go back to high school. Lord, what a great, hot mess. But, there is something to be said about the intensity of those first experiences for yourself. Not totally independent, but enough to make some stupid decisions and still get away with it(if you're careful). All that wrapped  up in rockabilly songs? Sounds like a good time, donn't you think?

Salut, darlings.

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