"Watch Your Ass" is basically an introduction to the Drapes and our "hard ass" life style. Interestingly, it may be hard to catch this when listening to the show the first time, there's a pretty poignant message. CB basically points out that we are not really that bad, but merely different. The group is deliberately chastised and made as outcasts for really nothing more than they seem "different" than the norm. Man. Do I hear that.
Basically, if you've made the choice of being a small-minded, obtuse, bigoted shit head...then you best watch your ass. They have grown up in a lower class and stifling atmosphere by people who feel like they have the right to treat them as lower people, so what choice do these kids have but to react that environment and treatment? Being from the "low end of society", you gotta watch your ass. Aw, damn. Getting deep with CB."It's a perfect day to scare a Square for no apparent reason: by singing, dancing, standing there or maybe just by sneezin'. Your fear of other people never ceases to amaze. You call that class? You better watch your ass these days..."
I have never by ANY means been a bad ass. The quite opposite, really. A goody two shoes. I've never really gotten in trouble. If anything, just been scolded for cursing like a sailor. But, I DO sympathize with being treated a certain way simply for looking or acting different. There was a stage in the beginning of college where people didn't even talk to me and I'm a nice person, DAMN IT. I had several-as in more than one- people say they were sacred of me. Really. Their actual words. All because I had blue hair and a polka dot trench coat. I've been called a freak show by a 5 year old and scoffed at by many bitches. My sisters were tormented in high school for because being their own person (schools who thought they were living out "Christian"values. PAH!) and it's always stuck with me. Just like the Drapes, it's hard not to be defensive or territorial when people have treated you a certain way.
Now, I have had a wonderful upbringing full of love and friends and family. But, when you get dirty looks or a judgmental comment from entitled butt-munches who think they have some sort of invitation from your sense of style making it okay to criticize you... it makes you want to stomp someone's face for being so blatantly rude and tend to keep your guard up. BUT...I digress. I'll get off my soap box. VIVA LA DRAPES!
Now, back to the music. "A Whole Lot Worse" is basically the Teardrops giving Allison the 411 on being a sassy, bad lady. I love blues music. I think it is SUPER sexy. It's that churning tempo and the gritty soul that goes into it. This is really the first blues song I've ever performed and I LOVE it. Being a belter (aka a very loud singer) I am sinking my teeth into it. I think we tore. It. UP. Still some harmony tweaks here and there (always a difficult aspect for me) but that will come with time. Only the first week and and I'm SUPER stoked. Can't for the dance portion to start. Eee!
Cheers, darlings.
P.s. I wonder how many times I'm going to ass during the run of this show. Ass.
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